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Why is the fatal accident rate higher on rural roads?

On Behalf of | Jan 15, 2025 | Personal Injury

Fatal car accidents occur every day on both city streets and rural roads. At first glance, the numbers are roughly evenly split, leading people to assume that the level of risk is the same regardless of the type of road they’re using.

However, this perspective changes when you look at the fatal accident rate. Rural roads see much less traffic, so there are fewer cars and drivers on the road at any given time. But despite the lower volume of traffic, rural roads account for roughly the same number of fatal accidents. This means the fatal accident rate is significantly higher on rural roads. What makes these roads so much more dangerous?

Higher speed limits

One key factor is that speed limits tend to be higher on rural roads. Two accidents may be nearly identical, but if one occurs at 25 miles per hour and the other at 55 miles per hour, the accident at the higher speed is much more likely to result in fatal injuries.

Dangerous driving habits

Another factor is dangerous or negligent driving behavior, which is often prevalent on rural roads. There are higher rates of drunk driving and lower rates of seatbelt use in rural areas. While these issues also occur on city streets, they are more dangerous on rural roads due to the higher speeds at which vehicles are traveling.

Lack of immediate medical care

Finally, rural areas are often far from major hospitals and medical centers. It might take first responders 20 minutes or more to reach the accident scene, and even longer to transport the victim to a hospital. In contrast, in urban areas, this entire process might take just five minutes. This delay in receiving adequate medical care can lead to fatalities from injuries like internal bleeding or other serious conditions that might have been treatable with faster intervention.

Exploring your legal options

If you’ve been injured or lost a loved one in an accident caused by another driver, it’s important to take the time to explore all of your legal options to seek compensation.